Bike Polish

How to protect your bike from dust?

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Driving a bike is not just an activity but a passion for many of the people around. And keeping up that passion high is a goal to attain. However, we all might agree that in the fast-paced world, the shades of weather are turning darker into harsh weather. Some areas experience scorching heat, some extreme rainfall, or some the breeze of the sea which altogether contributes to bringing down the longevity of bikes. In such scenarios, to keep the spirit high becomes a question. It becomes a matter of issue to keep your beloved two-wheeler away from rust.

But not to look further! We are here to look over the reasons that welcome rust and the tips to keep them at bay. So keep that passion alive in you while we take you to explore the way of nurturing the bike.

Understanding Rust

Before diving deeper to learn about prevention, the first and foremost thing that needs to be understood is what rust is. Scientifically, rust is an effect that is produced after a moisted metal surface comes in contact with the chemical in the atmosphere. Through this effect, a reddish-brown coating formed on metal corrodes the surface which hinders the longevity of the bike.

Foes of Rust: 

To fully understand what rust is, it’s even more important to know the condition which favors it. Below are a few of the reasons which are the peril of rust: 

  • Air pollutants like sulfur dioxide
  • Stagnant water 
  • Physical damage or scratches
  • Salt 
  • Getting in touch with water 
Bike Polish Oil

How can Rusting be prevented? 

Generally, there aren’t one but many ways to protect the bike from the rust. However, it might be confusing for one on which way to go. Here are the following methods which one can adopt:

  • Using Bike Polish:  Nothing could beat the spark that comes from the newly polished bike. Bike polish not only works to enhance the look but also to keep the rust away. These specialized products come in various forms like spray, cream, liquid, and wax. Applying bike polish works as a protective layer that shields it from moisture and corrosion.
  • Frame protection: Another best way to protect the bike is by adding an extra layer of protection. Use types of equipment like frame protectors, tapes, bike handles, and bike rain cover. These kinds of accessories go for a long run. Scratches and minor chippings which are often outlook are shielded using such accessories.
  • Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: The foundation of bike maintenance starts with cleaning it regularly. Cleaning it after every ride under harsh conditions eliminates the chances of rusting. Scrub thoroughly to get rid of accumulated grime, dust, and dirt. Ensure to wipe the bike after every wash so that the moisture is not held which is the most favorable condition for rust to grow.
  • Take care of your bike’s shelter: The way you shelter your bike is a matter of importance. If possible choose to go with indoor storage a garage or a place with shade. However, it is agreed upon that sometimes outdoor storage is the only option. If that’s the case, opt to invest in a strong and durable bike cover so that it can tolerate the rain and humidity.
  • Lubrication: Lubricating the parts of the bike hits two birds with one stone. One of its advantages is that it helps in the smooth functioning of the mechanics of the bike. Another factor is that it prevents rust due to a reduction in friction. That’s why it is advisable to use high-quality lubricant and apply it in good proportion to the inner workings of the bike. 
  • Applying bike wax: Applying bike wax proportionately has numerous benefits. By working as a protective layer, it saves the bike frame from UV rays, rain, and humidity. Through this, not only discoloration is avoided but also rust is prevented. Moreover, a layer of wax also prevents the settling of moisture on the surface. Since the formation of rust is instigated by rust, this barrier reduces the risk.

Summing up,

Throughout this blog, we strived to keep the passion in you high. So this time, fear no more to beat down the perils of rust-favoring conditions. Every dab of bike polish, streak of best bike paint, or tapestry of bike rain cover is an effective step to save your bike from every harsh circumstance. By following the above methods, you can stay assured that the shine of your bike will stay for countless years. Buck up, learn the safeguarding tips, get well-equipped, and prevent your bike from rusting for its renewal.

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